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Ghana. Camp 2. The third passenger.

When we have already forgotten about visa difficulties at the entrance to Ghana, it's time to gather in the way back. Well, by tradition, us, or rather our third passenger - a suitcase with soap Ghanaian border guards refused to consider a legal character.

Since the corresponding tone of the trip was set back in Moscow, at the Ghanaian embassy, we suspected this option and arrived at the airport in advance. The departure of problem citizens is carried out through the same window as the entry.

In textbooks, this procedure should be called: "Extortion is classical, in African".

Scheme of work:

Conversations, conversations, conversations, waiting, talking, waiting, offering, talking, bargaining, waiting, watching a consenting nod.

A suitcase, please, the way is free!

The soap, Slava, and Natasha arrived safely in Moscow, but the African story did not end there, it's the very heat of the project! And what's next?

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