Ghana. Camp 2. Fufu and Banku.
At night it's time to tell You about Ghanaian cuisine.
The basis of the kitchen are soups, which are prepared on a meat broth with the addition of starch, flour, herbs, vegetables, and spices.
All kinds of meat go to the soup: beef, chicken, fish, seafood, goat meat. And all kinds of products accompanying the broth: palm nuts, peanuts, Yam, banana, plantain, cassava, cereals, and leaves.
Perhaps, the main dish for Ghanaians is "FuFu".
Standard Ghanaian eat 1-2 times a day while eating an impressive bowl of soup. Ashanti says – "ate without Fufu, so do not eat." Recall that "Fufu " is the puree of yams or cassava, it is rolled into a ball and run like a submarine in a thick, rich soup. What will be the soup? It's up to you. Michael loves most with beef knees, Francis with palm leaves and chicken, veg options do not exist.
"Fufu "as well as the next masterpiece of Ghanaian cuisine "Banku" eat with your hands.
"Banku" is almost the same as" Fufu " difference in cooking dough ball in tomato paste with the addition of corn flour.
"Kenke" is like we were told, a great Breakfast. The taste is sweet cereal feed on the water. Did not appreciate.
We turn to a special kind of banana - plantan.
Chips of plantan are sooooo harmful and fatty snack. Tasty only for a second time, but if you bought them a second time then consider yourself hooked. Buy a third and a fourth.
Fried plantan-a fantastic dish, it is very, very much to our liking. But the same is cooked in deep fat.
Fried Yams are our potatoes, but in Russia, the crust is softer.
We ate today on lunch. On the photo on the plate: darker pieces are plantan, light are yams.
Fried rice, Jollof rice (brown) – familiar to us and always help out.
The drinks were evaluated by an analog of Russian kvass with a similar composition of the "Malta Guinness". Almost like at Home and no alcohol.